Plex with Amazon Alexa

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Everyone loves Plex and Amazon Echo. So when we had the opportunity to make a video for Plex featuring their new Alexa skill, we were sold. The vision for this project: show how you can use Amazon Echo to control your Plex system with your voice. Three cheers for getting rid of your remote controls! Here’s what went into this project to make it a reality:


Filming A Live Demo

Filming a live demo was one of the challenging aspects of this project because the talent needed to be able to speak to Alexa, and have her respond and trigger the events. We would plan out the actions we would want Alexa to trigger, then film them from different angles. Then we would film the talent speaking to Alexa. This ended up translating perfectly in the edit.

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Text Animations

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We decided to use text on screen to show the viewer what to say when triggering their own Alexa setup. We tried a few different text treatments and animations before landing on the final look. We are very happy with the end product. 

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